
You Forgot Your Floaties | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

open your eyes marbles who’s
who’s I’m magic man and that’s my
sibling glob hi uh could I talk to you
in a sec okay what’s up
that’s our new planetary defense system
yeah marbles Marvels is your wife dude
my wife was taken by gulb
this is like my tribute
I’m in staller right there on Olympus
Mon so she can protect us from golf but
you named her after your wife yeah but
it stands for Magical automated
resistance generating laser energy
supplier come again whatever I wanted to
call her marbles so you used magic to
make her and you don’t think your
feelings for your lost wife might have
compromised your spell programming no
that’s crazy her appearance is just a
symbol of Marvel’s why do I feel like
this is the worst idea ever what a great
idea going on this hike why didn’t you
magic us up uh I guess I wanted to know
more about you since I created you in a
deep trance State all I am is in you so
know yourself magic man yeah duh okay to
the top then
okay then ready to initiate the install
yes oh wait hold on you should come back
down I gotta stop the second coming of
gulb uh he’s probably not coming back I
wish he would maybe I would see you
again original you I looked everywhere
you know so what every Dimension every
dead world I even wished you back in
prismo’s time room
ah dang it that has never happened
before but you were gone erased only
existing here and here for hundreds of
years I held that sadness until my magic
and science were strong enough to create
you from my nightmares then let me do
what you built me for
I take it back oh
don’t activate Marvel’s you came from me
so you’ve got to understand I came from
wait what’s happening
oh what the oh look the bread’s alive
Betty you see I see a crab emerging from
a dark pool oh yeah
what does the crab say
whoa my sadness is gone and my wow hey
do what Mama Turn You Back Ma I can’t I
think I’m just a normie now maybe
someone in Wizard City can help oh
Finn is that you a joke
fly you to wizard city
thank you Heroes you helped me find my
what do normies do get smoothies or


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