
Yoga Animals: Balance like a Flamingo

hi i’m tara stiles founder of strala
yoga i’m also the yoga expert on a brand
new book from national geographic kids
called yoga animals
where you can do fun animal inspired
yoga poses with your kids
let’s try one out now
balance lego flamingo
start standing nice and tall
put a little bend in your knees
and a little sway in yourself
shift your weight onto one leg
grab a hold of your opposite shin
give yourself a nice squeeze
bring your foot right up into your thigh
if that’s no fun for balance you can
always slide your toes down that works
great too
reach your arms all the way up
and breathe big
give your shin a good squeeze
and come right back down make sure to
try the other side you can find more
poses plus loads of poetry and
inspiration in the book and more videos
right on the website namaste
