Wolves: Waiting for a Sighting (Episode 4) | wild_life with bertie gregory

definitely going slightly insane
this year’s very beautiful but yes once
again buddy-buddy tedious he’d yes
my ultimate goal for this expedition is
to spots a coastal wolf the apex
predator in this ecosystem but so far
I’ve had no luck finding them so I’m
gonna hunker down and wait for them to
come to me I have to build what wildlife
photographers call our hides basically
the goal of a hide is to break up my
outline so that animals that are
evolutionary programmed to fear my shape
won’t recognize me but just as
importantly a hide is a place for me to
sit all day that shields me from the
elements well I guess the weight begins
stay tuned the hide so far no wolf
action a foreign the hide not a lot a
lot going on to be honest oh one
exciting thing there’s actually tons of
birds around down the beach there’s a
spot where I’ve seen a heron fishing
it’s pretty funny to watch him wrestle
his dinner
j5 and the hide I was looking around the
tree line and I heard something up in
the trees and it was a barred owl and I
know this because his call sounds a bit
like all cooks for you who cooks for you
it’s pretty cool but it’s not the hull
of a water there’s also some some Canada
geese and these geese on an epic
migration down the coast they make a
racket as well that’s nothing like what
they sound like
beautiful sunny day my feeling odd well
earlier there was a juvenile caucus
Wingull gulping down some insects which
I guess is a good day for the goal not a
great day for me we’re just on our way
back to camp and we stopped because the
sky exploded while I was stopped
shooting the sunset
I spotted these two tiny little western
sandpipers foraging in the ceiling and
one of them is missing a foot and
although they don’t use their feet
obviously when they’re flying it’s a
massive handicap because they feed by
sticking their bills into the into the
sand to pick up a little invertebrate
crunchies so I mean just watching it
here it’s really struggling to stab and
then run a little bit stab and then run
a little bit interestingly the other
Sandpiper that it’s where seems
perfectly physically fit hopefully the
other one eight days and I haven’t even
seen a whisker a pawprint a tail
anything no wolf
I think I need to mix it up hey Ron
thanks so much for watching this is an
episode in a big series so if you’d like
to see the rest of the series please
click on the playlist below and I will
see you next week