
Wildest Cats in the World | Awesome 8

NARRATOR: Curious about enormous felines who make
your cat look like a kitten?
Let’s countdown the top eight Wildest Cats In The World!

Number eight.
The average male lion weighs over 400 pounds.
And they’re not just big; they’re loud!
A lion’s roar can be heard five miles away.

Number seven.
A tiger’s stripe pattern is like a fingerprint.
No two are exactly the same.
And unlike most other cats, tigers like water.
They’re good swimmers and enjoy cooling off in rivers.
We still wouldn’t recommend giving one a bath.

Number six.
Cheetahs are the fastest land animals on the planet!
They can run up to 60 miles per hour,
and accelerate faster than most cars.
Dogs aren’t catching these cats.

Number Five.

Snow Leopards live in chilly climates.
To keep them warm, the fur on their bellies
can be 4 inches thick.

Number Four.

Clouded Leopards are amazing climbers.
Using their long paws and claws,
they often climb trees.
Quit monkeying around, cat!

Number three.
A Jaguar’s jaws are incredibly strong.
They’re strong enough to crack a turtle’s shell.
And yes, they’ll eat the bones.

Number two.
Leopards don’t like to share their food.
They usually stalk their prey alone,
then drag it up a tree.
Table for one!

And number one.
Cougars can live anywhere from the tip of South America up to Canada.
A cougar can save partially eaten food by covering it
with leaves and sticks.
Learn about cats and other cool creatures by checking out more episodes of Awesome 8!
Captioned by Cotter Captioning Services.
