
WILD WILD WEST | Adventure Time CLIP | Cartoon Network

uh does princess bubblegum know about
this place be cool man you’re gonna
clear the deal oh yeah try not to act
suspicious tree trunks okay i won’t
where oh
where’s my dang apples oh
tree trunks you’re so silly but but
listen you wouldn’t happen to have seen
any I don’t know apples around have you
seen any apples you’ll ask a lot of dumb
butt questions almost like you’re trying
to solve something what oh no no no no
clean too
almost like some do-gooders hold on we
gotta go potty
damn they almost got us but I think we
blend in pretty well now this is tight
down my mouth all up
tree trunks don’t eat that
here you gotta watch her man
oh I look just like an army brat
what can I do for you you know where a
guy might maybe score some apples
well when you put it like that
a couple of buddies I know have some
apples for sale
i’ll show you
hey fellas these folks been asking about
okay show them the apple smudge
grab them
you go back and you tell your boss to
stop looking for those apples because
they’re ours now
what boss your boss dr j
we don’t know any doctor j goliath ouch
come on smudge doctor they’re gonna take
my apples
what just happened I guess these guys
who stole tree trunks as apples also
stole dr j’s apples and they thought we
were working for him fan fan hmm this
could be dangerous and if you want to go
back home I understand
but I need to do this yeah tree trunks
me too hey finn hmm what’s that on your
face buddy oh the guy bought me one must
have had a ring on you know I think I’ve
seen that symbol somewhere before
right next door to where I used to hawk
stolen bikes what I didn’t know it was
yeah you see that guy must work here or
who’s the heck happening what uh
we’re here about the apples oh
let’s see your ring
come on in follow this guy
my boss is gonna be real psyched I found
someone to buy his apples
a whole creep
what the what’s wrong guy these aren’t
apples oh it didn’t mean diamonds all
nerdy wells called diamonds apples like
calling money bread or rock knockers
butter slaps
hey werma we’re back what the what are
they doing here they’re here for the
apples that’s the dang dr j gang wormo
grab them
I promise if you let us go we won’t tell
no one about your apples
feed them to the pig yeah the pig
yeah all right
huh I’m sorry y’all they’re making me do
I’ll I’ll try to make it quick hold it
dr j
yeah yeah i know what my apple’s back
get em boys
oh don’t cry tree trunks
we’re never gonna find those apples
apples you guys looking for apples uh
yeah why because I can hear a bunch of
apples in this room