
Why Eagles, Falcons and Hawks Are Top Predators: Ep. 3 | Untamed with Filipe DeAndrade

Compared to talk about sending me away from us right now dirty is definitely on the ground these are the fastest animals in the world they can dive bomb it over 230 miles an hour just diamond doc what is going on wildlife warriors you just hopped inside a floor in some ambulance run a 25 hour road trip across the country to film some of the craziest wildlife predation you’ve ever not seen in your life we’re going to be working with pop carriers Eagles all in the name of Raptors I’ve got Brian Magary over here steering the camera I’ve got Maggie be be steering the ship and we picked up our good friend Mike Rollins who fly in the drone we are going to get some of the most intimate angles you’ve ever seen all in the name of aerial predation and where are we going to be capturing all this we’ve got a New Mexico baby Wow New Mexico is a hundred and twenty-one thousand square miles of pristine wildlife corridor it is larger than Colorado but has less than half of the population and if you’re a wildlife enthusiast there are thousands of species that should make you flock here but we made the twenty five hour road trip because of one ambassador the bald eagle is about as American as it gets when Lady Liberty takes to the sky everything goes in a higher alert there goes the bald eagle they have eyesight seven times better than a human being so he’s just scanning the field right now looking for potential prey you oh he already nabbed something just drop it just flying out all right I think he’s coming back around again [Music] Judy’s just boy with that food oh dude that’s just that’s just me oh my god first hour out here and it already got the predation that is incredible after watching this bald eagle play with his food for about a half an hour he finally decides to start eating bald eagles are notoriously good predators but they’re also voices scavengers they’re by far the most iconic aerial ambassadors but they’re not the only ones that caught our attention [Music] peregrine falcon rely on greed and agility to take down their prey this northern Harrier uses stuff [Music] and Golden Eagles they’re the most Powell kickers in the United States then [Music] this is the first pair of Harris’s Hawks that we’ve seen this entire trip in New Mexico and pretty sure they’re hunting right now Harris’s hawk watch the hunt together as a family sometimes up to groups of seven they love this barren landscape because there are rabbits everywhere this is the perfect place for these two sisters ask or kill [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my god oh my god [Music] Harrison Hawks are tearing into this hair in this field right now that is insane these Hawks have such a unique dynamic family structure they hunt together they share and they’re taking down rabbits and it feels we came here incredibly stoked to tell the story of the bald eagle America’s national icon but at the end of the day they’re kind of bullies don’t get me wrong bald eagles are still awesome I love you but we fell in love with every other thing in the avian world it’s safe to say mine [Music] the creature that we’re after is the mountain lion in order to document this animal we’re gonna have to use a series of filming high camera traps even then we’re gonna have to get a lot of luck I could take in this view all day
