
What Was Missing | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

princess princess wait
whatever I’m out of here too Marceline
uh you’ve all forgotten about the music
I quit the bad I’m just pretending Jake
everybody we can beat the door Lord
everyone bubble gum I’m so dumb I should
have just told you what I lost was a
piece of your hair
now it’s gone gone forever but I guess
what does it matter when I just just and
all of you there
are just in all of you there with me my
if you’re even my friends
you like this
this is what was missing the truth
what am I to you am I a joke unite or
your brother what am I to you do you
look down on me cause I’m younger do you
think that I don’t understand I just
wanted us together in the Blazer band
last night was the most fun I’ve ever
had even liked it when the two of you
would get mad at each other
and you drink
I wanna sing a song to you and I refuse
to make it fake
a band I’ll forget that I lost a piece
of your hair I’ll remember the pasta
that we shared over there
make no mistake
it’s over draw Lord so hand over our
what’s he trying to say
I totally get it he may have stolen our
Treasures but by doing so he showed us
that the real treasure is friendship
okay here’s that lock of bubble gum’s
hair you love so much oh you uh and
here’s jakey’s Blackie here’s your
Marceline here’s your rock shirt hey
that’s not it’s mine that’s mine you you
kept the shirt I gave you yeah it uh
means a lot to me but you never wore it
dude I wear it all the time as pajamas
wait if that’s bubblegum sure what are
you missing Marceline
wait a second wait a second you don’t
have a thing you just wanted to hang out
with us no I didn’t no way you’re caught
I figured you out