
We Love Peppa Pig Peppa Goes to Paris #33

I’m Peppa pig
this is my little brother George
this is mummy pig
and this is daddy pig
pepper is going to Paris today to see
her friend delphine donkey is everyone
ready yes daddy pig then Paris here we
mummy where is Paris
Paris is in France we go on a ferry to
get there what is a ferry haha you see
this is the ferry
there are lots and lots of cars in here
let’s go up on deck and breathe in some
fresh sea air
look mummy the boat is rocking about
yes Peppa
mummy pig doesn’t like it when the boat
rocks about
all this sea air is making me hungry who
wants to eat no thank you
the waves are getting bigger
here I brought you a fried egg sandwich
the ferry has arrived in France remember
daddy pig they might drive differently
here oh oh driving is driving mummy pig
you see it’s just like driving at
home hello
pepper and her family have arrived in
delphine donkey and her family are here
to meet them
bonjour means hello in French
what would you like to see in Paris i
want to see everything oh it is
impossible to see everything
in that case I would like to see the
real hidden Paris the Paris that the
tourists don’t see bravo mr pig tell me
which part of the real hidden Paris
would you like to see first the Eiffel
tower ah okay
this is the Eiffel tower
this is busy imagine what the tourist
places must be like
look Mommy it’s miss rabbit I didn’t
know you had a job here miss rabbit
excuse me I am not this miss rabbit I am
madame Moselle
oh I’m sorry souvenirs get your little
Eiffel towers here
the real Eiffel tower is really big
can we climb up hips um it looks a bit
high daddy pig does not like heights
do not worry mr pig we take the elevator
going up
I’m glad that’s over or no that is just
the first stage
now we must climb the steps
if you feel dizzy daddy pig just close
your eyes
okay is as high as we can go as visitors
let’s look at the view
these steps are going on forever oh dear
daddy pig is not looking where he is
going he is climbing up and up and up
what a wonderful view of Paris it’s
what do you think mr pig mr pig
where is everybody
daddy pig is at the very top of the
Eiffel tower hang on daddy pig ah I must
call for the rescue services
thank goodness you’re here miss rabbit I
am not this miss rabbit I am not a mosai
don’t worry daddy pig I am going to get
you down
ah I’m going even higher what can you
see daddy
I can see
my daddy came to Paris and he saw