We Love Peppa Pig Miss Rabbit’s Taxi #4

I’m Peppa pig
this is my little brother George
this is mummy pig
and this is daddy pig
that’s a lot of shopping it’s for
grandpa pig my granny is going away on
oh I see
that’s a lot of shopping it’s everything
on granny pig’s list where’s the car I
didn’t bring the car I didn’t think
you’d be buying so much oh I’ll call for
a taxi
hello taxi service a taxi will be with
you shortly
sorry I’m just popping out back in the
taxi service where are you going granny
and grandpa pig’s house please
I see you’ve been shopping lots of
shopping about these days shopping for
this shopping for that shopping shop
rabbit why are you talking so much it’s
what taxi drivers do peppa oh mind you I
had mr potato in the back of the car the
other day i thought it’d be granny pig
is going away for a few days grandpa pig
will be on his own this is a tin of food
to get the food out you will need this
it’s a tin opener I know what it is
granny pig if you want to boil an egg
fill a pan full of water yes yes I know
granny pig
hello my little ones we’ve got the
shopping but why are you not at the
airport granny oh yes I’d better call a
taxi service hello granny pig I’d like
to go to the airport please of course
hop in thank you
daddy can we wave granny goodbye at the
airport okay
going to the airport are you yes and
actually we’re in a bit of a hurry hurry
in here are we in there why are people
always in a hurry granny pig has a plane
to catch she’s going on holiday
holiday I never have time to go on
holiday I’m too busy being in a hurry
miss rabbit are you talking like a taxi
driver again
the taxi has arrived at the airport
goodbye my little ones bye bye granny
bye bye
pepper and George are waving to granny pig
here is mr wolf taxi hop in bye-bye mr
wolf pepper and George love waving
goodbye bye-bye
daddy how are we getting home in the
oh it’s gone been on holiday have you
I’m actually very tired do you mind if
we don’t talk talk yes people talk too
much these days don’t they talk talk
talk talk and they say some people can
talk her eyes without taking a break my
sister can talk hello taxi service hello
could you pick us up from the airport
please the airport righty-ho
hello mr bull are you mending the road
no I’m supposed to be mending the
airport but my truck’s broken down I’m
going to the airport hop in have you got
any luggage just the sand
miss rabbit’s taxi is full of sand
bye boss
thank you miss rabbit
no problem take us home please miss
rabbit righty
hi there you are my last taxi ride of
the day
now you can go home and have a rest ha i
should be so lucky
sorry she’ll catch you waiting
it’s just another busy day for Miss