
We Love Peppa Pig Canal Boat #25

I’m Peppa pig
this is my little brother George
this is mummy pig
and this is daddy pig
today is captain dog’s birthday
happy birthday captain dog
thank you everyone daddy you look sad oh
it’s nothing son
just seeing this here boat reminded me
how much I miss the sea captain dog
loves the sea why not open your birthday
it’s a boat trip a boat trip
that’s just what I wanted let’s go
there’s nothing better than sailing a
boat you could go anywhere you want in a
sailing boat we could head for the
tropics or have an arctic adventure we
might even see a whale
it’s just a day trip dear
this is the canal
now where is the sailing boat we’re
going on this canal boat I see
we use the canal boat to get to the
sailing boat no dear we’re going on this
boat for your birthday and we’re sailing
it down the canal but on a canal you can
only go this way
and that way
it’ll be fun come on dad it is a boat
yes danny you’re right a boat on the
water all aboard oh I wanted to say that
oh I’m sorry go on then all aboard
raise the sail
oh where is the sail canal boats do not
have sails you just push this button to
make the boat go
thank you mummy dog
and we’re away
Mrs duck is going faster than our boats
want a race do you miss duck
full steam ahead
um can’t this thing go any faster no
this is the top speed oh anyway you want
to slow down we’re coming to a mountain
ah look out there’s a mountain in front
we’re gonna crash straight into it no
we’re going into the tunnel there is a
tunnel through the mountain
it’s all gone dark
this canal boat is actually quite fun
look here comes another mountain and
that means another tunnel not this time
oh there’s no tunnel so what do we do
we’re going uphill there’s no way in the
world a boat can go uphill there is and
it’s called a lock
watch I’ll show you mummy dog is opening
the gates to the lock take her in
just wait there while I close these lock
now I’m letting in the water from the
we’re going up the rising water is
lifting the canal boat up now I opened
these gates take her out captain
full steam ahead
where’s the grounds
we’re in the sky we’re sailing over a
bridge yes this bridge means we can sail
high above the valley below
sailing across the sky what could be a
better adventure
have you had a fun time daddy I should
say so I’ve sailed through mountains
over hills and across the sky
this is my best birthday ever captain
dog loves canal boats
everyone loves canal boats
sailing across the sky
in a boat so high
floating on the water sailing across the