
Water Vole’s Perilous Journey | Big Little Journeys | BBC Earth

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  • Water Vole’s Perilous Journey | Big Little Journeys | BBC Earth

The vole’s search for a new home
has taken her three miles into a glen.
Ahead of her, lies water.
She’s spent her entire life around streams.
But with poor eyesight,
she has misjudged how far it is to the other side.
This loch
is vast.
In the cold waters beneath her,
monsters lurk.
Giant pike,
four times her size,
could swallow her whole.
If she doesn’t drown first.
She’s never swum more than a few metres from land before.
The further she swims from shore,
the more likely she will be detected.
Once a pike senses ripples,
most prey don’t stand a chance.
But this water vole
has made it to the other side.
For now, she’s safe.