
Up Close and Personal with Young Wolves | Snow Wolf Family And Me | BBC Earth

Wolves can have up to ten pups in a litter.
I’m desperate to find out if there are more hidden in the den.
But before I can move closer,
the whole pack returns from a hunt.
It’s way too soon for me to approach with all of them around.
So, I’m going to try the next best thing.
We have power.
This has never been used before with wolves.
In fact this has never been used before with any animal.
It’s very much a prototype, but it’s a rock crawler
It can handle this rugged terrain and it’s fitted with two little HD cameras
that I’m hoping to drive up the slope and get a good look at the den.
Two potential problems.
The terrain is really difficult, but the real danger is
that the wolves don’t take too kindly to this and rip it to pieces.
It’s designed to handle the terrain, but not a pack of six wolves.
We’ll see.
Okay, I see a wolf.
I’m a bit concerned about the interest the wolves are showing.
Okay, there’s a bit of difficult manoeuvring.
Let me see if I can nudge it forward.
Oh, dear.
It’s all part of a learning process
and I’ve learnt that there’s part of the den up there on the right.
It’s the bit with the buggy sticking out of it.
I might still get a view inside the den.
I’ve found a hole.
After a lot of manoeuvring, I get the picture I was hoping for.
Oh, I can see a pup! I can see a pup!
Amazingly, looking straight into the camera.
Theses wolves are incredible.
They have never seen this kind of thing before
and they don’t scurry back into the den.
Oh, my word!
That is just glorious!
Oh, you beauty! Two pups!
Oh, wow! They are just adorable!
These pups were born deaf and blind,
but now their senses are developing
and they’re starting to explore the world around them.
I might get the pups to come and investigate it.
They’re looking at it.
They’re about four weeks old
and their first teeth are coming through.
These wolves are unbelievable. They really are.
Three pups!
Gee whiz!
I do not believe it!
Wow! I feel as if I’m right in there.
That I’m actually a member of the pack.
It’s great! I’m loving this.