Turkey-Syria earthquake death toll could ‘double’, UN says – BBC News

It’s a week since two earthquakes devastated parts of turkey and Syria which so far more than 33 000 people have died the United Nations says that figure could double remarkably though survivors are still being pulled from the rubble United Nations Aid vehicles have now begun arriving in Syria but the head of the un’s relief Mission says many people have a right to feel abandoned part of the problem is that the rebel groups still control parts of the Northeast following years of Civil War one of those areas is idlib province already ravaged by conflict before the Quake struck well our Middle East correspondent Quentin Somerville and cameraman Robbie Wright have managed to gain access and send us their first report from inside the rebel held area a border and a catastrophe shared but in the earthquake’s aftermath Syria and turkey couldn’t be further apart we just crossed into Syria at the border crossing we were about a dozen deed trucks fuel tankers coming in but actually there were more refugees more corpses coming out the main street in idlibs Harem is gone they waited for help here but none came it was here that fatal gadab’s aunt and cousins ​​​​families all died here everyone is dead we just need them to come in and dig the bodies up for burial I don’t know what else to say the earthquake was untroubled by International borders the relief effort well it’s quite a different matter just look at around me in the town of Haram here in Syria there’s hardly any activity they’ve been living with the aftermath of this earthquake for six days now and hasn’t helpedt come even before the earthquake life was precarious in idlib people here have been displaced by War many times so with his bare hands a man digs to retrieve a sack of animal feed we travel for the West there are no Aid convoys here few signs of relief but a lot of urgent need this was the town of Bethania these were people’s homes they were newly built but look at it now 80 of this Village is gone and they’ve had hardly any help since the earthquake struck more than 100 homes have gone here and much more besides Abu Allah lost two of his children I started running like a madman in the streets shouting dear God it was then that I saw my wife and seven- year-old daughter alive I kept on running in the streets until I saw them she told me my children were gone they were gone islamists are in control here we were accompanied at all times by armed men who didn’t interfere with their work but it’s made getting Aid here more difficult at the Bible how a hospital they’ve no time for politics with few staff they’ve had to treat over 350 earthquake victims there’s not enough medical stuff to to to help people in in normal situation without any catastrophe without any uh earthquake without any new bombs without any work there’s not enough radical stuff down the hallway why is Mohammed gayath just three months old his parents were killed by the earthquake he was found in the street by a neighbor Muhammad is all alone and Syria too again feels forsaken disregarded by the world in another hour of need went in Somerville BBC News idlib well as we’ve been hearing incredibly people are still being pulled alive from the rubble Tom Bateman has been to antakia city in turkey’s hatai province to see how rescuers are continuing their work around the clock to find survivors who’s been under this Rubble for six and a half days carry through here the most incredible scene sure the crowd here just explode with joy now watching a Man still alive this is an extraordinary moment the lifting him these rescue workers lifting him his hands are in the air he’s conscious breathing eyes flickering well this has been an extraordinary hour or so since we ran to here following some rescue workers it was clearly something had been found they could see somebody’s legs he was alive all right and we’ve just seen one of The Rescuers come out here he was uh in tears extremely distressed so we’ve seen a generator being taken in some cutting gear that needs power buckets as well to dig away the Earth and somebody’s shown me a picture where we can see the legs of this man he seems to be trapped from his upper body extraordinary celebration as he was moved out across here his own father was here in the crowd did you ever think this would happen Tom Bateman reporting from Southern turkey there well I correspondent Laura Becker is also in Hattie province in Turkey in iskandarin uh Laura what’s the situation like where you are well the moment we have a large number of families desperately BC King accommodation they are here in a camp full of around 3 000 tents this morning there’s a large line because you can see that blankets and heaters have arrived that is one of the Urgent needs because overnight the temperatures around minus seven minus nine we’re seeing Frost forming on the outside of these tents and over the last week we’re hearing from families that the immediate efforts were towards search and rescue to find anyone living um in the rubble many people here have told me they know their families are still under there that they would dig with their own bare hands if they could but they are now losing hope of finding any more survivors so now you hear the efforts are about concentrating on those who have managed to live through this earthquake and many of them include young children one of the things that II met one of the families I met yesterday it was a Syrian family who came here they’d managed to set up a new home they had managed to set up a new life and of course the earthquake hit and they’ve lost their home and they’ve lost everything once again and that’s many many cases like that in this area now according to the Turkish government there are around a million people urgently needing shelter according to the United Nations over the Border in Syria they’re around 5 million in need of urgent shelter so many of the things they need are the basic necessities and just indulge me for a minute because we’ve been keeping back the children to to because they’re but they are desperate to come and say hello come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on right way to wait for the people of Beauty World so um one of the things I am hearing is people who needs uh thanks for the children toys games and but they are practicing your English practicing in English to say hello hello hello um so yeah yes so many many children in this Camp are many families and I think for the urgent need now is to keep them warm keep them safe and keep them healthy well Laura I can see that you’re bringing a smile to their face but I mean what a week that all these children have had um from what you’re seeing and from the chats that you’re having with the children around you do you feel that enough Aid is getting through to them and enough emotional support as well I think some of the things that I’m hearing is some Aid is getting through I mean you can see behind me the lines for some people they’re saying not enough is getting through um when I was speaking to some of the people looking after the children here they do need things like games like toys and they do need writing materials they’ve lost everything there’s some clothes getting through but over the last week because so many of the efforts have been involved in the infrastructure on and saving people I think no the efforts are concentrating I’m getting Aid to those who are here um and it is it is getting through but it is perhaps slow in places um and they are this is you Steph Yusef wants to be a reporter don’t you yes well I’ve been a moment yeah he wants to be a reporter um he’s been practicing here all sorts of things um but then as soon as we get him on camera he goes shy but many of them it seems like he wants to play football as we go forward Lord do I ask you of what his message to the world is and how he would describe the scene there well let’s give it a go but for that I’m going to need my Turkish colleagues so come in come in can you ask yourself what his what what’s his message to the world I hope we heal I hope we’re here all right Yusuf well said Laura thank you very much for your reporting there live from Turkey.t you yes well I’ve been a moment yeah he wants to be a reporter um he’s been practicing here all sorts of things um but then as soon as we get him on camera he goes shy but many of them it seems like he wants to play football as we go forward Lord do I ask you of what his message to the world is and how he would describe the scene there well let’s give it a go but for that I’m going to need my Turkish colleagues so come in come in can you ask yourself what his what what’s his message to the world I hope we heal I hope we’re here all right Yusuf well said Laura thank you very much for your reporting there live from Turkey.t you yes well I’ve been a moment yeah he wants to be a reporter um he’s been practicing here all sorts of things um but then as soon as we get him on camera he goes shy but many of them it seems like he wants to play football as we go forward Lord do I ask you of what his message to the world is and how he would describe the scene there well let’s give it a go but for that I’m going to need my Turkish colleagues so come in come in can you ask yourself what his what what’s his message to the world I hope we heal I hope we’re here all right Yusuf well said Laura thank you very much for your reporting there live from Turkey.s been practicing here all sorts of things um but then as soon as we get him on camera he goes shy but many of them it seems like he wants to play football as we go forward Lord do I ask you of what his message to the world is and how he would describe the scene there well let’s give it a go but for that I’m going to need my Turkish colleagues so come in come in can you ask yourself what his what what’s his message to the world I hope we heal I hope we’re here all right Yusuf well said Laura thank you very much for your reporting there live from Turkey.s been practicing here all sorts of things um but then as soon as we get him on camera he goes shy but many of them it seems like he wants to play football as we go forward Lord do I ask you of what his message to the world is and how he would describe the scene there well let’s give it a go but for that I’m going to need my Turkish colleagues so come in come in can you ask yourself what his what what’s his message to the world I hope we heal I hope we’re here all right Yusuf well said Laura thank you very much for your reporting there live from Turkey.s his message to the world I hope we heal I hope we’re here all right Yusuf well said Laura thank you very much for your reporting there live from Turkey.s his message to the world I hope we heal I hope we’re here all right Yusuf well said Laura thank you very much for your reporting there live from Turkey.
