
Tree Kangaroo | Amazing Animals

And now it’s time for some more amazing animals

Number 47
The amazing tree kangaroo oh yeah but what you heard me the tree kangaroo is a large marsupial and a not so distant cuz of the regular kangaroo g’day mate you can find them in the rain forests of northern australia papua new guinea and up trees the tree kangaroo isn’t much use on land but when you put them up a tree that fast nimble and graceful creature oh dude
i’m all right their super sharp claws and long tails allow them to balance safely oh dear some species of tree kangaroo are in danger because people are cutting down their forest homes you can’t come up here get your own trench all right knife keep your shirt on amazingly they can jump almost 60 feet to the forest floor and leap 30 feet from tree to tree so perhaps we should call them boomerang roos the tree kangaroo we love you what an amazing animal!

