
TIME TO LAUGH! – The FUNNIEST MOMENTS of Adventure Time! | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

I cast field of nightmares and activate
my Legion of earlings to scare your pig
to death my Pig’s in the cave of
um I cast teleport to move your pig to
the empty field so I can attack him uh
wouldn’t teleport only work on your own
creatures you’re right I’m gonna slay
that pig though how you don’t have any
creatures that can touch him
face it man I’m the cool guy hmm
you’re the cool guy huh well let me make
it a little hot for you then
I fluke the volcano what that’ll destroy
your kingdom too won’t it maybe
my pig
the pig is dead now I reconstitute my
cornfields using the reclaimed landscape
spell my Husker knife
and I still have my battle phase
hiding in the useless swamp The Immortal
maze Walker I love corn
cornfields give the immortal maze Walker
triple damage
I told you cornfields are awesome your
ancient scholar and cool dog won’t
survive this time actually my ancient
Scholar’s been studying to raise the
dead ability so what so my ancient
scholar raises the Dead
I flipped the pig
look my Tower’s doing a thing
you ganked my spirit Walker ah breakfast
uh maybe we should take a break
it’s your turn huh you play you play
posing I do not play Such games with
Jake maybe he’ll be a stimming hot babe
with huge money to that Lumpy Space
Princess what would your boyfriend Brad
say Brad and I broke up a long time ago
now’s my chance no way look I can make
you happy pick up you big donut okay
excuse me Guy farting there’s an
envelope on your back
where where here let me did you put that
envelope on him no no no no what’s it
say prince hotbod
esteemed guests I am your host I am a
ghost by the time you finish reading
this I will possess one of you and use
your body to murder everyone in the
we gotta get out of here CB wait
it says anyone who tries to leave will
die no no no no no no no no no no no
plus we’re not even lost I just gotta
stretch out past these trees and see
where we’re at
dang it’s all Misty
it’s kind of nice up here though
man forget that I can’t see anything
through that mist plus I got struck by
lightning we’re just gonna have to set
up camp and wait out the storm cool I
call fire patrol yeah me too we’re
letting you go we decided that it’s
wrong to imprison you this is a trick
huh get out of here before I change my
mind there must be someone waiting
outside to beat me oh is that my crown
over there oh I’m glad that’s all taken
care of no not quite yet
oh sorry but since we’re the bad guys
this time we gotta go to jail this sucks
hey get out of my room you’re still hit
out of here man so you’re really
breaking me out like I said it’s wrong
to imprison you you mean you believe me
oh can it be has all the hatred between
us somehow transmuted into something
more a friendship a best friendship Knox
oh slots in disgust eh let’s call them
sloppy these okay see you later my
bosoms I am no man’s bosom cast detect
Secret Door