Thomas the Helicopter | Thomas’ Magical Birthday Wishes | Thomas & Friends UK | Kids Cartoon

okay my next magical birthday wish is
going to be something super special
oh who am i kidding they’ve all been
super special but what shall the wish be
this time oh dear oh dear oh dear oh
dear oh dear oh
what happened do you want the long
version or the short version uh short
version i broke down what’s the long
version i
i’m so sorry harold problem is i need to
get this delivery to the mainland as
soon as possible and the bridge is out
what a run of bad luck
i think i can help
i wish
to be a helicopter
to the mainland you say i’ll get it
there in no time just be careful
it’s very heavy
i love being a helicopter
this is heavy
there it is almost there
hang on now i can do this
there we go
i hope thomas is okay
thomas that was amazing you did it not
only that but i’ve brought the engineer
to fix you
oh Thomas you are the best i hope you
have the best birthday ever huzzah
birthday happy birthday

