
The Weird Sex Lives of Jumping Spiders: Ep. 8 | Untamed with Filipe DeAndrade

[Music] vibrating the ground right now is clearing his arms up except those of boxing gloves going we’ve been waiting all week for this and we may have just found the fabio of jumping spiders he is getting in there and buy in there I mean in there what is going on wildlife for you get hopped inside the mandolins and we are driving through North Central Florida right now this region of the state has it all from the fold to the ancient and even the sexy but what we’re out here to capture is one of the smallest animals around the common jumping fighter they have this very interesting gorget behavior where the male will throw his arms up flailing it around and approach the female vibrating the ground with his abdomen if he’s lucky she’ll let a mate with her it’s not shalida this episode is going to require a pretty interesting technical approach I’m not going to tell you what it is you just got to keep your eye out for it and this handsome fella is a common male jumping spider native to Florida those balls on his head that’s four sets of eyeballs giving him eight total and almost 360 degree vision and for this guy’s size he needs all the viewing power that he can get because the micro universe is a dangerous one this lady is as dangerous as she is sexy he would be wise to steer clear jumping spiders are the athletes of the arachnid world they can actually leap up to 50 times their body size before every takeoff they anchor down with a line of silk this young male has just entered sexual maturity and so begins the search for mrs. right now it’s pretty crazy to think that he has to go through an onslaught of dead bodies just to get some action if she likes him she’ll let him mate with her if not she’ll edom and if she’s my kind of woman showed you both oh my god okay we’ve been waiting all week for this and we actually may have just found the fabio of jumping spiders he’s doing his dance he’s got his hands balled like this we may have just found our stud he is getting in there and by in there I mean in there oh my god we just got our first mountain all right he’s on top of her right now he’s pulling out those sperm labs and he’s inserting it into her document me Oh stinky [Music] so remember when I said that this episode was going to require a different technical approach to be able to film the jumping spiders we had to recreate their natural environment inside of a studio setting we got just about everything that we needed except when it came time for the courtship behavior I don’t want to plow they wouldn’t perform under the artificial lights so as soon as we got them back outside and the Sun hit the male and those iridescent started to pop that’s when he became a hell of a lot more attractive to the female and that’s when things got sticky yeah spider sex is happening inside of I mean in front of us sometimes mother nature just gets the best to you I hope you guys enjoyed it and if you’re feeling at all inspired to recreate your own studio setting do it a shot because it’s pretty fun to you and this is one of the most prehistoric unique badass looking creatures I have ever seen in my life [Music]
