
The Turkish city where life has crumbled to a standstill – BBC News

Night we were led into town by anas a Syrian refugee from Aleppo through the pancaked homes and Into the Heart of his genderum it’s a cityscape he understands all too well and a situation for the survivors now too life here has totally stopped there is no electricity no water there is nothing left at all he took us to this makeshift Hospital currently receiving not just those harmed by the Quake but also the regular users of the city’s wrecked clinics and we are trying to find the medicine because we they lose even three four days without there is no pharmacies there is no markets and they need everything food and water everything they need for now so we are still hoping people will come and we will try our best everyone is sacrificed themselves we are just hoping everything gonna be fine help is getting through an Airborne field Hospital from India no less flown in and now getting past language barriers to treat those coming to this makeshift Hospital so the situation in this city is that one hospital was destroyed by the earthquake the other main hospital behind me looks all right from a distance but actually its structure has now been fatally compromised and it can’t be used so the patients have all been brought to the school opposite and now into this picture have come an Indian military medical team who are trying to help out inside this boy needed stitches for a head wound he was helped through the ordeal by a combination of Indian and Turkish medics for him wound dressed it’s time to go home but not all endings are this simple up above the town Mustafa has slept in his car since his world collapsed I was talking on the phone and so suddenly it shook and everything got dark and I went out suddenly all house collapsed that I remembered all I remembered and you were on that staircase is that right and you fell down from there yes all the where I went I don’t I didn’t I didn’t remember I couldn’t remember and now the situation is you’re living in your in the car yeah in my car and that’s the awful question for survivors what comes next accessing help isn’t straightforward iskandarin’s Port was still burning when we went by this morning that means it’s still closed to ships bringing help to a big swathe of turkey and nearby Syria and while those in the region try to find their feet again there are still people here who are praying for a miracle relatives waiting for news from one of the last digs in this city there are still some survivors being found and here they’re digging because they believe somebody is still alive under this Rubble increasingly though this will turn into an operation which is about trying to get this city back on its feet in the days and weeks ahead but the chances of finding living adults are vanishingly small it’s about those who came through it now about questions of normality and how on Earth to find it again in this place of toppled lives.
