The Orb | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

Mom Dad
I think it looks cool nice
what the plot
Jake I’m aging up here okay bird
thoughts Finn uh eggs nests Wings worms
Jake Jake
I’m old
now it’s too relatable
cool backup skin
nah that’s not what I wrote Huh
I really respect that you do your own
stunts your brother’s gonna have to step
up his game to keep up with you we have
to do something about these crow’s feet
where everyone’s gonna know you’re too
old to play Jake but I am Jake
what’s he saying you’re lying
just read the cue cards
it’s just a rehearsal but it’s not okay
to be really bad what are you doing
here this is my
no this is my oh our nightmares I guess
and you’re here with us
I am the unconscious is so complicated
bird thoughts purchase bird seed pudding
it’s not working
that weird iCloud again
this fall is taking longer than I
thought it would
I wish I had a game to pass the time
when we were plunged into Oblivion like
a puzzle or something
a puzzle
so what if I put this here
uh who are you
okay you’re some kind of nightmare
but where are we
we’re kaput I knew it I’m guessing we’re
still asleep on the boat
I think she entered our nightmares and
mashed them up in order to communicate
with us what do you want to tell us
she wants to hear my banana story
she’s harvesting our mind fruits
wait do you just want us to give you
some bananas
well there’s loads on our boat you can
take as many as you can you have to
negotiate first we won’t trade them for
anything less than something pretty and
enjoy those bananas
what is this like nightmare juice let’s
drink it
hey look how close to home we are
land hole
how’s it look like a dream
