
The Mysterious Drum | Pokémon Picture Book | Kids Story | Pokémon Kids TV

the mysterious drum
tomorrow is finally the pokemon music
munchlax weasel and ilumise are
practicing one last time
but lex doesn’t have much energy
they’ve been practicing since morning so
it’s very hungry now
and there seems to be something wrong
with the very very old drum that
munchlax found somewhere
at the most important part of the song
munchlax’s drum makes a very weird sound
munchlax you have to concentrate when
playing the
drum always at the same place every time
weasel and ilemize are starting to lose
their patience
marshlax was concentrating all along
trying hard to play the drum
munchlax became very sad so it stopped
practicing and decided to go home alone
munchlax come back
the music festival is tomorrow
but munchlax can no longer hear weasel
and illumizi yelling
instead munchlax begins to hear a merry
sound coming from the direction of the
the pokemon near the lake are having fun
playing their instruments and singing
munchlux with your amazing drum come and
join our rhythms
ludicalo and the others are inviting
munchlux with a smile dancing in sync
bang boom munchlex’s drum
boom bang munch lexus drum
unlike before munchlax’s drum begins to
make a nice sound again for some reason
ah that was fun
munchlax leaves behind the lively lake
after saying thank you to everyone
just then
munchlax finds a cave with noise coming
from inside
what could that noise be
to calm its fears munchlax decides to
beat the drum first before entering the
cautiously entering the cave munchlax
finds pokemon practicing their
instruments there too
the music sounds scary but moves
munchlax to pound the drum
just then munchlax’s drum makes a
strange sound
it’s that drum of yours
says mawwhile appearing suddenly to
catch munchlax by surprise
will mawl complain about munchlax’s drum
that is the mysterious drums that makes
a sound to match the owner’s feelings
mo while was surprised but it quickly
smiles as it says to munchlax
i am so excited that i get to hear that
drum at tomorrow’s music festival
munchlax finally understands why the
drum made a weird noise during
rehearsal munchlax realizes it needs to
apologize to weasel and ilumise
munchlax hurries to find its friends
it seems munchlax’s friends were
searching for it too
the three pokemon run into each other at
the lake and they all apologized to each
i’m sorry i didn’t tell you that i was
we’re sorry we didn’t notice you were
it is finally time for the pokemon music
the weather is nice and everyone looks
and munchlax had plenty to eat
so munchlax and the drum are in a good
the pokemon audience can’t sit still
happy birthday to
happy birthday
to you


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