
The Milky Way | Spaced Out

MAN: We copy you down, “Eagle.”
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MALE NARRATOR: Have you ever wondered about our universe and what separates us from space? The scale of the universe is incredible.
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When we look up in the night sky,
we can see stars, but those stars are in
our immediate neighborhood.
They’re the stars that are the closest stars to the Sun,
within our own Milky Way Galaxy.

NARRATOR: The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy that both
the Sun and solar system are a part,
along with a bunch of stars clustered together
that create a brightly lit center.
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At first glance from Earth,
it looks like a wide path of light,
the ancients once described as a “river of milk.”
It has a combination of two major and minor arms,
two smaller spurs
as well as a collection of 100 billion stars.
Those are the same stars that you can see with the naked eye
when you look up at the night sky.
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NARRATOR: But imagine how much more of the universe
lies behind the lens of a telescope?
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JASON: With Hubble, we’ve been able to see beyond
the Milky Way Galaxy.
We can see nearby galaxies,
like the Andromeda Galaxy,
that are interacting with the Milky Way Galaxy.
We can look beyond that and see galaxies
that are colliding with one another.
And we can see to the far reaches of the universe,

NARRATOR: So even though it may seem like we’re
millions of miles away from the outer galaxy,
we’re only really separated by a thin layer of atmosphere.
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Captioned by Captionmax
