The Insects Who Vibrate To Communicate | Planet Earth III | BBC Earth

In the Amazon live many strange species.
This is a treehopper.
They not only have a bizarre appearance,
but they also communicate
in a remarkable way too.
Vibrating their bodies,
they send signals through the forest plants they live on.
And every sound
has its own particular meaning.
This treehopper mother communicates with her young,
encouraging them to stay together
so that she can protect them.
For there are plenty here
waiting to eat young treehoppers.
An assassin bug,
armed with piercing mouthparts
and sticky front legs.
Capable of literally
sucking the life out of her entire brood.
But she can’t guard them all.
She needs help from friends in high places.
They’re very aggressive.
This is more than the assassin bug bargained for.
Mission accomplished.
Her brood are safe.
The bees don’t protect the treehoppers for free.
A little tickle on a treehopper’s back
and they exude a sugary liquid,
honeydew, a sweet reward for protecting them.
It’s just one of the countless ways
in which forest species work together.