
The Best of Ice King! | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

oh my gosh probably the best time i’ve
ever had my entire life make way for the
fun tray
whoa what’s happening
probably the best time i’ve ever had my
entire life
so good so good what is this we’re
having fun
because i left the room because they
like it here because they like you
because you’re a really fun guy i don’t
get this stop buying it dancers
wanna dance this ice cream come on
you want to dance with me oh yeah uh
we’re here
why are you doing this everyone was
finally warming up to me no that is not
the case you’re nuts man
and i don’t know how to help you
probably because i’m just a simple dude
well maybe you should talk to someone
with more life experience like whoa whoa
whoa finn what are you doing don’t dump
the ice king on me but you’ve got to get
it in your head man putting princesses
in jail is wrong
finn you just ruined my chances with
five or six potential wives for that you
will oh oh my beard
why do people not like me
really not bad and now for some healthy
i’m forgetting about that silly old
breakup already
all right let’s fly
you fool you can’t fly without your
beard i’m going to be alone forever
beautiful princess excuse me for
approaching you sir you just seem so
that’s funny usually my looks put people
is someone paying you to do this
tell me about yourself well there’s not
much to tell really i’m a nice king oh
a nice king
no no dear you misheard me i’m not a
nice king i’m a
a really nice king and i’m single
oh my gosh
yeah guess what slime princess is in the
park and she’s like talking to a new
nice king
and he’s like totally single by the way
don’t tell anybody
perfect dear mr scorcher i would like
you to hit two people neat name by the
love the ice kings
whoa you are fast
and quiet
and very good at dramatic silence i like
all right so how do we do this we shake
hands or
ben and jake
there he is huh what’s he doing
i hired a hitman not a fireman
dude you see my masterpiece coming
together right
mine’s whack we’ll put some meat in
there huh what kind of meat is that
that’s meat man’s meat do you think it
hurts meat man when he gives us his meat
i don’t know i can’t read his mind
you guys what do you think grounded