
Surviving Sea Turtles | Untamed

Sea turtle hatchlings have one of the most treacherous starts to life they must make their way out of the nest in brave what’s between them in the open ocean [Music] my name is felipe andrade and i’m a national geographic wildlife filmmaker it looks like one of the alpha males and then a juvenile male my passion for animals has taken me across the world and given me a deep appreciation for this earth for season two of untamed we’ll be exploring one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world costa rica costa rica offers valuable nesting beaches to five of the world’s seven species of sea turtles [Music] this is an olive riddle in joined by other females they are looking to further their bloodline over the next two hours she will dig a nest and lay her eggs [Music] 45 days later these two inch turtles are soldiering their way through the sand and into the open they are seeing the world for the first time using all of their strength to climb up and brave what’s between them in the open ocean but a crowd of hungry onlookers has been eagerly anticipating their arrival black vultures wait patiently watching for any signs of movement making it past this avian obstacle won’t be easy the first ones out of the nest are often the fastest showing off that undeniable survivor’s instinct that’s kept sea turtles on the planet for around 100 million years [Music] but they have little chance against an insatiable vulture weighing in at up to six pounds each vultures can devour almost half a nest as the last one out of the nest the odds of survival are completely stacked against this young female the fate of her brothers and sisters offers a grim view of her own possible future magnificent frigate birds their arrival doesn’t make things any easier leaving her with one choice to run for her life the hatchling relies on fat reserves for energy to move and follows the life emitted from the horizon [Music] averse to landing in water these frigate birds snag as many hatchlings as they can from the beach the vultures know when they’re out maneuvered so they give way to the frigates as they continue their relentless assault [Music] she is exhausted but must forge ahead her life depends on it [Music] finally the safety of the water she made it through the gauntlet one of the few to reach the sea and if she can survive until 15 years old she may be back on this very beach to lay her own ex [Music] [Music] [Music] you
