
Super Serpents That Slither | Awesome 8

NARRATOR: From venomous to just plain bizarre, we’ve got snakes way weirder than the ones slithering around your garden.
Here are Awesome 8’s eight Super Serpents that Slither.

Number eight.
Look at the chompers on this fella! The Gaboon Viper has fangs that can grow to be two inches long! And if those fangs aren’t reason enough to avoid its bite, the Gaboon Viper also carries a toxic venom. Yikes!

Speaking of venom, the Saw Scaled Viper, is highly venomous and is considered one of the most dangerous in Africa and India. Try not to get on its bad side.

Black Mambas are nervous, aggressive when threatened, and super venomous. Oh, and did we mention they’re fast? Its temper, speed, and deadly venom are why many consider the black mamba to be the world’s deadliest snake! Free advice: don’t keep one as a pet.

Number five.
The Boomslang Snake likes hanging in trees. And if you can’t find it, you’re not alone. Their camouflage makes them incredibly effective at ambushing unsuspecting prey. Spot a Boomslang snake by its giant eyes. Yeah, I see you too buddy. Keep slithering.

Boa Constrictors are powerful snakes and stealthy hunters. Boas will ambush their prey then swallow it whole. C’mon, what happened to chewing your food? It’s okay. The boa can break down giant meals thanks to its strong stomach acids. And best of all, it won’t have to eat again for weeks. Now, that’s a power lunch!

Number three.

You wouldn’t know from its shy demeanor, but the Blue Krait is one of the most venomous snakes in Asia! Still, these wallflowers don’t wanna bite you. They’d rather hide their heads under their tails.


Now that’s a fierce looking cobra. You can spot an Indian Cobra by the black band under its neck and its hood design. When threatened, an Indian Cobra will raise its body and unfurl its hood. You talking to me!? Although dangerous, an Indian Cobra’s venom is useful in researching anti-cancer medicines. From deadly to life-saving.

Number one.
Indian Pythons hang in trees and near the water. I guess when you can grow up to 21 feet and 200 pounds you can do whatever you want! As if size weren’t enough, these guys are expert swimmers who can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes. And if you’re prey, you can run but you can’t hide. Indian Pythons have heat detecting pits on their head that let them hunt just by body temperature. Those were some super snakes!

Narrator:For more fun animal facts, check out more episodes of Awesome Eight.

Captioned by Cotter Captioning Services.
