Staking Out the Elusive Mountain Lion – Ep. 4 | Untamed with Filipe DeAndrade

I just asked a massive mountain lion right there my heart is racing right now we’re definitely in cata country [Music] there’s no better way to experience the natural world than to take flight we’re following the Rio Grande River in New Mexico to an area known as Bosque del Apache there is an endless cast of characters that call the Wild West home with the creature that we’re after is the mountain lion in order to document this animal we’re gonna have to use a series of filming high camera traps even then we’re gonna have to get a lot of luck I could take in this view all day but it’s time to get down and go find us a mountain lion so this adventure is going to be a little bit different we’re falling around one family of mountain line 14 months ago this beautiful female gave birth to two cups and the biologist in this area has been studying that for the last 14 months but we just got a call that another mountain lion made a kill over in both del Apache so we’re going to go over there and check out the elk that it took down this definitely looks like a struggle it’s grim but um it’s a way of life in nature so so why don’t we set up the hide over here and then we’ll set up a couple of trap cameras on the elk and we’ll just stake it out and see if anything comes back so you got a nice little cornfield behind us and then dead oak in front of us this stuff romantic evenings are made of fire inside the hot right now I do coyotes about the completely away from us one is circling beyond Marcus while the other one is Union this is some same as think about about lions were you’re less than 24 hours ago and a legalities are benefiting from their deal that’s defective cats have on there is no system divided from everything else so that was awesome so much coyote activity with still no mountain lions so we’re going to go set up a ton of trap cameras in areas where we think they might be and on every single kill that we come across and hope that we can get something from this female and her two cubs we’re going to let these things roll come back and check out them in a few days hopefully we’ve got something all that was discussed off a strip that being entirely clean red-tailed Hawks are vicious man [Music] authority biologists that we’re working with just call the female that they’ve been researching the last three years now just scored a kill on a mule deer now lions have seen every six to ten days in order to survive and what makes it incredibly harder on this female is that she has two 14 month-old Cubs that are entirely dependent on her we’re about an hour away from where the kill is and now we’re going to set up trap camped at the ferry meet see if we can capture this bad life so we’re making our way into the site and towards picking up a pretty good signal there are tracks all over the place it looks like a cat superhighway and since the signals getting stronger pretty good indication that there’s as the aftermath of a mountain lion right there my heart is racing right now we were definitely in cat country we found the killer that is so fresh fresh kill and we’re right on it we just have to to trap cameras we got it right in front of the deer and if this works we’ve got our mountain line totally worth it but we going to move quickly if we’re not going to disturb the site too much one clock’s ticking let’s get the hell out of here hopefully we got something because we don’t have anything homes gone [Music] you hear that calling oh that’s gotta be the mail look how full body he is staring right down the barrel of the camera we set out to capture them and we documented a beautiful female lion with her two cubs she is one of nature’s survivors I think the reason that we’re excited to see this mom and her cubs succeed is because apex predators keep the balance in their natural habitat we just experienced so many other animals benefiting from this mom trying to feed her cubs that the effect that mount might have on their environment Oh awesome
