Stakes: The Empresses Eyes! | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

I like where this is going
don’t resist
sell your spirit to the skies
surrender to the empress eyes
empress my darling my great eternal love
how can I serve you
bring me blood
at once
this is so sad
here you go my love what’s this don’t
you have any human
humans well finn’s the only human around
here try a penguin
you know empress is a kind of penguin
and your name is emperors that’s kind of
cool right
tastes like cheese water where’s the top
drawer stuff oh don’t be like that honey
poo I’ll fix it I’ll do anything for you
bring me the blood of finn
oh look I’ve gone to my bed today I met
a super pretty cyclops lady with fangs
she told me to eat a fat boulder and i
did it I’d forgotten that one
the empress
vampire I’m gonna kick you vampire yeah
I’m gonna lick you vampire
uh oh it’s pb’s outside clock
you did a tremendous job guarding the
cabin jake but it looks like you need to
be relieved yeah i need relief pee-pee
still working on new vampire busting
gear yeah but she’s almost done no sign
of marceline though i think she dishes
to fight the vampires by herself solo
style we’ll go look for after pb’s
devices up and running so how did you
pass the time patted my laps we made
some rhymes stoop stoop sitting on the
stoop stoop stoop sitting on a stoop is
that petey’s outside clock getting on
the stoop looks like it’s been staked
sitting what did you do
i heard a loud snap and my vampire
hunting reflexes kicked in dude that was
her uncle gumbald’s outside clock
she doesn’t have to know i broke the
clock let’s blame it on the vampires or
we can hide it
problem solved yeah
for fun
oh this is riveting
the empress is so nice today she let me
polish her boots with my tongue that’s
almost like kissing right hey
who’s mahoney bonnie
simon marceline
what has she done to you
did she bite you hey calm down you’re
destroying the mood i’m trying to get
her to bite me later minion honestly i’m
standing right here as you collude
against me with my sworn enemy it’s a
bit rude sorry
i got your back
personally ow
how dare you stake my back i was aiming
for your heart ice king bind the
interlopers in ice