Stag Beetle Throws Girlfriend Out Of Tree | Life | BBC Earth

he starts his search a female is likely
to be on a tree trunk but trees in this
part of the world are very tall his
search could be a long one unfortunately
for him she is 25 meters above him near
the top she has more normal-sized jaws
but then she only needs them for feeding
but he needs immense jaws for fighting
because there are other males around
with the same mission
shears strength is not enough in these
battles the technique is to reach over
your opponent’s head and hook your jaws
under his wing covers
that’s why his jaws are so long and have
that odd shape
he’s got the grip now he has to lift and
that needs strength
another lift is needed and that’s that
beetle armor is strong so he bounces the
winner climbs on there are more males
ready to fight him up here
I’m here she is at last
but she doesn’t seem to be in the mood
so now he has to use his great jaws as a
restraining cage
success at last
but the hurling habit dies hard