Some friendships last forever (FINN & JAKE BROMANCE MOMENTS) | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

well good thing we’re rested because now
we can beat this beast yeah
oh hey look
dudes came back to watch us fight aye
this is it let’s use we learned in
training uh
all we did was fight dirty with cheap
my cars are cheesy
dream warrior was telling us which cheap
moves to use on the farm
headlights mean eyes not in the eyes
give up our life pants pull down his
pants like he did tomorrow two golden
i think i know what that means well sure
i could make a wild guess
you ready man yeah dude
put your pants on okay
oh jake what jason
what are you doing here
i was looking for you knucklehead i was
so worried that right after lunch i
plunged into the dungeon after you
strangest thing though i kept running
into obstacles choose your duty weapon
um uh i choose
i kept asking myself
what would finn do just
frustrating you know what i mean yeah
i think i do
now let’s figure out a way out of this
cage got it covered with keyhand i don’t
see any keyholes in this cage though not
a problem man lockheed i’ll get us out
with carrot hand
come on man we still got a couple
minutes left to steal that crystal eye
and win your back wait you’d help me win
a bet that i made about how i could
accomplish something without you just
hop on my powdered donut boy
there it is the crystal eye
let’s give this a good old friendship
at least if i die i’ll die with my best
friend me too
he says he’s dying let that be a lesson
to all you cupcakes
why are you dying bro because i’m the
subconscious of your old magical self
goodbye jake no
so i’ve finally broken you yeah
if only i were a humbler guy
my subconscious would be alive and my
best bud wouldn’t be trapped in a
mermaid’s desk yes
all right i think you’ve learned your
i forgive you
my powers how can i ever think gotcha
but didn’t you learn your lesson nope
hungry hungry
to save the brain for dessert
honey i’m back
how about a big kiss
you guys are so cute i could just maul
you to death
jake i never should have doubted you
well i’m glad you learned your lesson
that in a crunch there’s nothing i
wouldn’t do for you ah so is that how
you got your powers back you apologize
to the witch um no way i um
i must have found the right mud puddle
yeah i don’t remember
