Sneaky Jewel-Thief Birds | Spy In The Wild | BBC Earth

the rain forests of eastern Australia
are the stage for perhaps the sneakiest
criminals of the Lord this is the satin
bowerbird a creature with a bad case of
kleptomania it doesn’t stop at weaving
he likes home decor too blue is his
favorite color bottle tops nicked from a
nearby campsite by his proudest
possessions he has an eye for detail –
placing them precisely for maximum
visual impact she makes all the right
moves entering the bar to show she’s
interested a range thinks that Santa’s
gifts it’s not impressed her but a
bouquet of flowers that’s something not
quite right the penny drops he’s been
duped this isn’t a female at all it’s a
young male in disguise and he’s here to
steal he’s part of a gang of juvenile
delinquents ruling the forest tricking
unwary meals in their hideout they
display their ill-gotten gains
it takes up to 7 years for a male barber
to reach maturity in the meantime he
practice making a bar and dancing for
each other
and they can never have too many blue
trinkets and bling time to go out
stealing again and Bala’s don’t come
more decadently inviting than this but
this is no ordinary boa it’s occupied by
a male spy bowerbird and adorned with an
irresistible array of blue treasure and
jewel cameras all perfectly placed to
catch the thieves in the act like
professionals the approach with caution
once again they pretend to be courting
females this time they work together as
one distract as the other steals the
jewels spy barabar can only observe as
they clean out the bower gem buy
precious gem back home with their stolen
goods they continue to practice their
courtship techniques
but spy bowerbird isn’t off the hook the
male bowerbird who was their first
victim needs to replenish his Bower well
if you can’t beat them you may as well
join them