
Shrimp | Amazing Animals

Narrator: And now it’s time for some more amazing animals. Number 19 the amazing shrimp.

There are more than 2,000 different species of shrimp around the world and they’re sometimes rather difficult to see as some shrimp can change color to blend in wherever they are. Can you see me this is blowing your mind isn’t it shrimp are crustaceans and our invertebrates which means they don’t have a backbone they’re also omnivores which means they’ll eat anything they can usually be found feeding on the seafloor this is huge I ‘m glad I only asked for the 6-inch sub and not the footlong when they’re not feeding shrimp like to burrow in the sand or cold oh what a mess that’s the last time you have a party in my house young lady some shrimp can live up to five years that is if they can avoid being eaten bacon swim quickly by paddling with swim rats underneath their abdomens their muscular abdomen appendages help them to outrun predators who are often very hungry yes but you have to catch us up first Oh No don’t taunt them or else you’ll end up in a salad like poor grandpa they’re incredible and they’re also tasty and butter the shrimp is an absolutely amazing animal.
