Sea Lions (Episode 6) | wild_life with bertie gregory

hahaha that was ridiculous ah
well we came looking for ceilings and I
think we found them look at the size of
this hall out
you can tell these the sea lions rather
than seals because a lot of them are
standing up seals can’t do that these
guys all their power all their strength
is in those four flippers which allows
them to stand up it’s hard to believe
how many sea lions they’re artists there
must be out of there 200 sea lions you
can see quite a few balls there the big
male you can tell they’re balls just
because they got these big fat heads the
neck and mane of a territorial via the
male’s will kind of battle each other
for a rocky haul out like this all
they’ll do is just battle the other
males keep the females for themselves
and they can go without food for 40 days
it’s all about sex not about food
but honestly as jaw-dropping as this
fallout is see lines are clearly not
built for the land they are way more
impressive when they’re in the water
they can swim miles every day so in
order to show them off properly I’m
going to have to do it underwater
well we’re pretty much ready to go hit
it up I’ve got Amanda here who’s going
to be watching my back underwater if one
tries to bite me on the head right
sea lions come out when I first got in
the water I didn’t see much the
substrate is bare thanks to thousands of
urchins that have eaten all the plants
in sight
it’s a weird alien landscape and I was
starting to think the sea lions had
heard me coming and moved on but then a
huge male bolted straight towards me
they usually blow bubbles to show
aggression and say I’m the boss but I’m
not taking it personally they can see
themselves in the big dome port of my
underwater camera so I think initially
it freaked them out but once they got
used to being my camera they just
started playing and it was absolute
some of these seal ads are not small
some of these are big balls and those
biggest balls can be up to 2,000 pounds
and Rath absolutely stink
take me up in a week
whilst their size and teeth might look
intimidating their playfulness makes it
like hanging out with a group of giant
underwater dogs
that was amazing we we sat right down on
the bottom on the sand and then massive
tyrant of 15 20 of them all around us at
one point I had one over either shoulder
and then one gripped me on the head and
squeezed and squeezed up okay that’s a
little bit hard but the whole time it
doesn’t feel like they’re being
aggressive it feels like I mean they
don’t have arms if they want to know
what a new funky object feels like they
can’t use the hands didn’t have any
they’ve gotta just have a little bite
and so it’s very much a loving tender
bite rather than an aggressive I want to
eat you bite when I first jumped in the
water my goal was to show that these
stellar sea lions aren’t just the big
bobs of blubber that you see on land
but I never thought I’d be able to get
this up close and personal too much
excitement for one day
too much excite I need to sit down dude
big bars give it me rattle hey everyone
thanks so much for watching that was a
lot of fun I hope you enjoyed it if you
like to see a playlist to the rest of
the series to see all the episodes that
are out so far click just here and see
you next week for another epic wildlife