
Sarcastic Fringehead Fights For Territory | Life | BBC Earth

producing young is just one challenge
finding food and somewhere to live our
further trials fish must face the
Californian Coast a wide range of
species live here but all this life
means competition for living space is
old shells are highly prized and this
one is occupied by a sarcastic
fringehead these fish are exceptionally
quarrelsome they have to be to defend
their living space
an octopus inadvertently it’s wandered
into the fringe heads territory and that
can’t be tolerated the octopus is
impressive jab holds the fringe head at
there is more to this behavior than
being bad tempered the fringehead
needs the defendants patch if it is to
get enough to eat and the octopus was
competition crabs are not the easiest of
mouthfuls because of the shortage of
living space there are constant boundary
disputes especially with other fringe
heads and this one has got to place
despite the most extravagant threats
neither is prepared to back down
success and it’s quick to get back to
its shell a fringe head can never drop
its guard there’s too much competition