Narrator:And now itโs time for some more amazing animals number 1888 the amazing red-eyed tree frog whatโs amphibian can be found in places like central america has three eyelids on each eye sticky toe pads and lives in a tree are you talking about me we certainly are oh really why ever am i called that probably because you stay up all night hunting for flies and moths oh i know but iโm willing to turn over a new leaf iโm so funny they sleep by day stuck to leaf bottoms oh he said blossom with their eyes closed and body markings covered they are almost invisible iโm here look iโm a tree the suction discs on their toes help them to stick to leaves so they can even sleep upside down but should they be disturbed they flash their red bulgy eyes show their bright blue and yellow bottoms he said the word again oh come on now stop it thatโs a rude word which is bound to give any predator quite a nasty shock whatโs jeff flushing his eyes for which gives the frog just enough time to escape so long friends yes so long red-eyed tree frog you certainly are one amazing animal.