
Prisoners of Love | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

what are you thinking Finn I’ve almost
devised a plan I’m gonna let him drop
Will I finalize the details in my mind
oh that was fun
oh it was fun hey you should go get some
more fun stuff you all right good idea
Finn good idea indeed I hope they think
I’m fun
I was like
everyone played up Lucky wanted to come
inside the jail and party with us and
then when he steps inside well I’m gonna
beat the tar Allen with these well you
all take care of Jake everyone on board
with this
sweet nice plan dude I think of
everyone’s saying weapon and the plan
won’t work because they’ll know we’re
freaking a good point LSP I’m gonna say
something fun like oh yeah I’m having a
fun time oh my gosh
make way for the fun tray
what’s happening
so good what is this we’re having fun
because I left the room because they
like it here because they like you
because you’re a really fun guy I don’t
get this Dance
come on Lily you want to dance with me
oh yeah oh we’re here
wow okay yes yes
wait no don’t leave
why are you doing this everyone was
finally warming up to me no that is not
the case you’re nuts man and I don’t
know how to help you probably because
I’m just a simple dude but maybe you
should talk to someone with more life
experience like Jake whoa whoa Finn what
are you doing don’t dump the Ice King on
me but you’ve got to get it in your head
man putting princesses in jail is wrong
and you just ruined my chances with five
or six potential wives for that
my God
why do people not like me
is it because I’m a magic user
or is my beard too Shaggy
I try so hard to be a good husband for
what’s wrong with me
you’re a sociopath oh you
I know you’re probably a a
Big Nerd hey man why don’t you try being
cool like me
because this is so tickle
tickling what happened princesses
thank you for saving us Finn you’re
welcome flying princess and remember
when you said you’d vow to marry us to
the thing of our choosing yes oh wow I’d
like to marry you
oh yeah well about that
help me oh Slime Princess you shouldn’t
marry Finn he pees his pants constantly
all the time
oh gross put me down put me down
I’m sorry Jake
that tea party was crummier than a big
old biscuit
tree trunks I’m all jacked up because of
you look at my jacked up face are you
mad at me no I’m not mad at you you’re
too super cute for me to be mad at you
and you’re a top-notch venturer now
let’s go find and eat the heck out of
that crystal gem Apple together
dang it you go fight I’ll keep tree
trunks out of trouble awesome
Jake I think Finn’s getting jacked up
again yeah Finn can handle it he’s 12. I
think I know a way to help him out uh
you should stay here tree trunks
what are you doing here tree trunks even
brain Beast that lonely fan Jake you
were supposed to watch her she got past
me man I tried to stop her but she
overpowered me get her out of laugh
I can’t find its magic gym weak spot oh
there it is yeah
I did it I helped tree trunks you’re not
an adventurer you nearly got yourself
killed again do you want to die tree
trunks is that what you think
adventurers do I make all the friends
feel terrible because they couldn’t save
Whoa man I’m going home now
tree trunks
trunks don’t follow me
oh man you shouldn’t yell it cuties they
just want to help you oh man I feel
horrible I was only yelling because I
care about her safety that’s what
happens when you care too much dude
I found the crystal gem Apple
and tree trunks tree trunks I’m a huge
butt guy for getting mad at you I’m a
huge fart I was only upset because I
love you and I don’t want to see you get
hurt that’s precious fan
huh a crystal Guardian Tree Trunks stay
out of the monster battle this time I
don’t want you getting hurt all right I
promise I will radical
stop you back off you you stop copying
me stop copying me
he’s copying everything we do
hey it’s my butterfly friend that’s
let’s beat it up while it’s copying tree
trunks yeah
yeah barf dude
we gotta fight this one tree trunk style
I’ll get the makeup
hey Crystal Guardian are you okay with
tree trunks taking a bite of that Apple
I’m okay with it
and I’m stupid I’m stupid you heard the
guardian TT bite that thing okay
how is it