
Princess BubbleGum’s Space Invasion | High Strangeness | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

booshie we’ve got a real experiencer in
our midst
funds nope
I don’t have time for campfire stories
I’m a mother of six and they’re in
trouble because Princess Bubblegum’s
probing them will you help me raise a
course we will oh let’s pick it up
what in the
oh my gracious
a full-scale Galactic Invasion
oh hell let’s see how well you fly
without your thing
you’re the devil’s hot little helpers
come get extinguished what the heck
it’s the big line well this is the
people’s Justice holy
why should I do
she’s only prison is this wicked Planet
yeah well join the club
tree trunks what is this place
you already know
they refused to fight back
what what
see I told you what
what space man
I’m really sorry tree trunks I never
meant to hurt anybody with my space
program it was supposed to seed new
Candy kingdoms on uninhabited planets in
case oo goes straight up dongbongles
because like confidentially there’s a
lot of ways that could happen and when
it does maybe I won’t look so crazy
after all you know
I can help you find a place
you would do that you and I will never
be friends but we can respect each
other’s mothers and as fellow Believers
in the infinite promise of the cosmos
oh Hello darling
hello you can talk
yeah there are websites that teach you I
wanted to tell you that I did what you
said we’re going to fly Princess
Bubblegum’s probes back to our abandoned
home planet they’ll have all the space
they need to start their new Candy
but our galaxy is so far away I won’t
see you again for at least 40 years
take care my alien babies
who the slap is this this is my alien