
Potbellied Pigs and other Farm Animals | Wild Pets at the Vet

 Some of the farm animals i see as patients are chickens rabbits the dog goats but a lot of potbellied pigs this one will lay right up on you like she’s doing right now they’re very loving I  have some piggy patients that go up to about 300 pounds and i’m okay with that 125. A lot of people buy mini pigs thinking they’re going to stay mini and it’s just not that straightforward a lot goes into the breeding of these guys so you could end up with a pig like carmilla that’s over 100 pounds [Music]. Chickens are much smarter than people give them credit for in my opinion the farm animal who has the best personality is the chicken it’s like a chewbacca he’s so cute they’re hilarious very intelligent extremely personable pets who give you a lot of love come here sweetie and then sometimes also eggs see is a big old egg the ghost’s name is bella you know you’re the only one in the area that handles gold we just started seeing them because you know we’ll help them so as far as personalities for farm animals the goats can be very affectionate and a lot of fun as well oh my goodness i went through a phase where clients were coming in with house goats dr k your goats here okay got it smaller goats you are very very cute sometimes some big goats can you help me lift a 60 pound goat i can lift a 60 pound goat i can’t lift a 60 pound i know you can’t i’ll see him because nobody else will help the little goats i don’t mind [Music] my goodness i brought in my pig cuddles don’t seem like he likes to be left alone once you walk away he runs after you popping pigs in general uh can be quite the loud little complainers hey here’s her girl i actually have grown to absolutely love my potbelly pig patients they’re good little animals i brought my pig bacon bits and she’s got some kind of eye problems farm animals that act like dogs or cats definitely have to be those pot-bellied pigs can have a kiss the pot Billy pigs are probably the easiest to keep us indoor pets they are incredibly intelligent they’re affectionate obviously some of the animals you shouldn’t have as house pets are some of the larger animals like a cow or even a horse no one would keep that in their house just a little bit too big some of the top things to remember when caring for a farm animal is number one they’re not a dog or cat so they have different requirements they need to be outside a lot they need to be able to run really long distances to be able to get enough exercise it’s really important that these animals kind of stick to their roots so they can be a pig they can be a goat or they can be a chicken [Music].
