
Peppa Pig – Zoë Zebra the Postman’s Daughter (28 episode / 2 season) [HD]

Zoe zebra the postman storm mr. zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Peppa’s house Zoe zebra is with her daddy today she has her own letters to deliver hmm Danny dog ​​Suzy sheep Rebecca rabbit ah tap her and George just these ones left bit skimpy Peppa and George love it when the post arrives we’ve got two letters this one’s for daddy pig how exciting dear mr. pig please pay your telephone bill Oh what’s a bill it sounds very boring Oh bills are very boring mummy easy of the letter for you no this one’s for Peppa and George Wow laughing George of me please come to my birthday party love Zoe zebra Zoe zebra has invited Peppa and George to her birthday party you need to write a reply to Zoe to tell her you are coming to her party can you help us write it mommy of course Heather and George are writing a reply deserve what would you like to say dear Zoe dear Zoe um I don’t know say next how about we would love to come to your party kind regards Peppa and George what color envelope shall we use miss Zoey zebra at last of all the stamp the letter is ready to be posted this is the post Docs here at Danny Susie Pegram Rebecca and Emily elephant they are wholly posting letters and here is pepper with her letter no hello everyone hello Peppa did you get my letter about my party yes and I’ve written you a reply oh goody my goodness so many letters today and this letter is mine it is very very important is it for me can I open it now it is for you Zoey but it must be delivered before you can open it that’s how the post works oh and with so many letters to deliver today I’d better make a start and George and I come along to hop a ball Peppa and   George see you later peppa and George are helping Mr. zebra deliver the post this is Zoe zebras house this letter is addressed to miss Zoey zebra miss Zoey zebra Zoe zebra Zoey zebra Zoey zebra oh all the post is for Zoey that’s my letter can I post it certainly Peppa loves posting letters mummy look all these letters are for me Oh amazing can you read it mummy dear Zoe I would love to come to your party from Danny dog ​​Suzy sheep coming to your party too and Rebecca petrol Emily candy they’re all coming to your party it says we are coming to a party love and kisses have the angel everyone has arrived for Zoe’s party Wow so many presents you’ll be writing lots of thank you letters Zoe oh and who’s going to deliver all those thank-you letters you are daddy living it but I can help
