
Peppa Pig – The Tree House (full episode)

i’m peppa pig
this is my little brother george
is daddy pig
the tree house
pepper and george are visiting granny
pig and grandpa pig
candy pig thank you
hello my little ones
before you come in the house you must
take off your muddy boots
yes granny
peppa george look what i’ve made little
curtains oh
what are the little gardens for granny
it’s a surprise
do you want to see what grandpa pig has
made for you in the garden yes please
grandpa pig papa egg hello peppa george
look what i made for you
a tree house a tree house for george and
and the little curtains are for your
tree house
pepper and george love their tree house
thank you granny pig thank you grandpa
who wants to go inside first me me
in you go then
before i go in my tree house i must take
off my muddy boots
i’m in my tree house
i’m in my tree house
george would you like to go in the tree
house too
yes who is it a young pig named george
would like to pay a visit
can he come in as long as he takes off
his muddy boots
george take your boots off then you can
visit pepper in the treehouse
who is it
yes who is it
it’s mummy pig have you room for any
more visitors hmm
you have to say the secret words then
you can come into our house
i see and what are the secret words i
have to whisp it up to you
the secret words are
daddy’s big tummy
i see
say the secret words daddy’s big tummy
that’s right daddy’s big tubby
i think those are silly secret words
mommy before you come in our house you
must take off your boots
of course
there’s room for daddy too
say the secret words daddy can i have
different secret words please
go all right
daddy’s big tummy
that’s right you can come in now daddy
take your boots off
i don’t think i can fit through the door
that’s because your tummy is stupid
i know daddy pig can climb in through
the top
peppa george mummy pig and daddy pig are
all in the tree house
granny i love our tree house i don’t
want to ever come out
that’s nice peppa but are you sure you
don’t want to visit me in my house no
thank you granny
in that case grandpa pig and i will just
have to eat my homemade cookies all by
granny pig
here are my homemade cookies but if you
want to come in you have to say the
secret words that’s easy daddy’s big
tummy that’s right
well i still think that those are very
silly secret words