Peppa Pig | The Holiday | Peppa Pig Official | Family Kids Cartoon

i’m peppa pig
this is my little brother george
this is mummy pig
and this is daddy pig
it is a lovely sunny day pepper and her
family are going on holiday where are we
going on holiday we’ve booked a little
house near the beach brilliant
i’m really looking forward to seeing it
i think we are here it’s a fairytale
house yes it’s very pretty like where
goldilocks and the three bears lived and
we’re going to be staying here for our
this house was made a long time ago
look at the tiny door yes uh a long time
ago everyone was smaller and it’s teeny
tiny inside too yes it’s really very
small in here that’s fine because we
will be outside most of the time
enjoying the sunshine let’s walk down to
the beach now yes there are so many fun
things to do with it sunny
it has started to rain back inside the
house everyone
i’m sure the rain will stop soon until
then we’ll just find something fun to do
indoors we can watch television um
i don’t think there is a television
no television
okay then let’s play on the computer
there is no computer either this is a
very old house so what can we do
look there’s a visitor’s book people
who’ve been on holiday in this house
have written what they did here and they
drew pictures
it was lovely and sunny
then it rained and rained
and rained oh someone else has written
rain rain
rain ah
mummy can i draw a picture in the book
of course here is the little house
with mummy daddy peppa and george
and here is the rain
very good peppa you see you can have fun
even when it’s raining outside yes i
love this little house and hopefully the
rain will stop soon
it is raining
and raining and raining
looks like we’re gonna have to stay
indoors a bit longer i know let’s play a
game yes look there’s an old game here
the only problem is we don’t know how to
play i’m good at games okay peppa you’re
in charge first pick what color you want
to be daddy is green
i’m red
george is blue
and mummy is orange
thank you peppa who starts normally the
youngest player starts that’s george
very good george now it’s my turn
i’ve landed on the magic square
what does that mean peppa that means i
get to go again
now it’s daddy’s turn daddy daddy daddy
daddy she can’t just go anywhere we’re
playing a proper game
of course
i’ve landed on a star that must be good
that means you go to prison
now it’s mummies go oh where do i go you
go to prison with daddy
so george and me are the winners
oh look the rain has stopped and the sun
is shining and all that rain has made
muddy puddles
this is brilliant what a great holiday
peppa loves the house
everyone loves the holiday house