
Peppa Pig – The Cycle Ride

It is a lovely sunny day Peppa and George are finishing their breakfast Oh today is a good day for a cycle ride love cycle rides Peppa has her bicycle George has his tricycle money and daddy have their tandem it’s our bicycle I sit in the front and mummy pig sits at the back and we can put these two seats on the back for Peppa and George but we charge is a bit too little his legs will get very tired but I’m a big girl I won’t get tired it will be a long cycle ride pepper are you sure yes Daddy I’m sure okay are we all ready let’s go it’s not a race pepper it’s just a gentle bicycle ride we won the race no you didn’t daddy because I wasn’t racing duck time but now I am You cheeky little piggy I’ve forgotten how much I loved cycling oh I’d forgotten how much I hate cycling uphill the ground is getting quite steep but look at the beautiful view my goodness this is hard work big you’re not peddling sorry daddy pig I was just enjoying the view Peppa and her family have reached the top of the hill we’re going to have a race on our bikes okay and her friends are race down the hill are you all ready you can start when i honk the horn like this too soon stop Pedro the race hasn’t started yet sorry Mr. pig I was just letting you know that the horn sounded like this sorry Pedro that time it was my fault the next time I honk the horn you can go Danny dog ​​yes I’m very good at cycling downhill it is home time for Peppa’s friends home time for us to pepper mummy I’m tired all the cycling up and down hills has made my legs tired can I ride on your bike but where will daddy pig sit um daddy can ride my bike it’s very nice oh okay yes it’s very nice.
