
Peppa Pig – The Boat Pond

The Ducks are swimming in their pond they are very happy here at Peppa George mummy pig and Daddy pig hello the Ducks want some bread sorry Mrs. duck we haven’t got any bread today we’ve got something much more fun Peppa has brought her toy boat and George has brought his toy boat let’s wind your boat up George George’s boat works with clockwork quick George put the boat in the pond before the clockwork runs out George loves his clockwork boat your boat doesn’t need winding up pepper peppers boat is a sailboat the wind makes it go along I don’t like my boat that’s because there isn’t any wind today maybe it just needs a little help it went really fast Peppa loves her sailboat here is Peppa’s friend Suzy sheep hello everyone hello Suzy we’re playing with our boats man I’ve got my speedboat is it clockwork no it has batteries Suzy’s speedboat uses batteries to make it go what a great speedboat sorry Mrs. duck here is Danny dog with granddad dog my granddad has made me this paddle boat I say that’s impressive oh how does it work it’s steam-powered I just push this little lever what a fantastic paddle boat here is Rebecca rabbit with her mummy I wish I had a boat Rebecca rabbit does not have a boat I’ve got an idea luckily I brought my newspaper along I just need one page which page can we lose news sports fashion not the fashion page okay I’ll use the business page when I was a little piggy I used to fold newspaper like this what is daddy pig doing to make a paper foots daddy pig has made a paper boat George once have take the boat – of course daddy pig is making paper boats for everyone oh let’s have a race good idea mummy pig we can huff and puff and blow the paper boats across everyone take a deep breath ready steady below we have a winner who had this sport page Oh George’s boat George is the winner I like boats and I like boats the best time the Ducks enjoyed the toy boats but they quite like having the pond back to themselves again you.
