Peppa Pig – Teddy’s Day Out

I got the pig they smell little brother George this is mama cake Teddy’s day Peppa and her family are going out for the day daddy pig has made a picnic Oh Peppa George have you got your stuff ready oh yes I’m taking teddy dine-saw if you take your toys you must look after them yes mommy are we all ready yes then let’s go George has left Mr. dinosaur behind Oh George you should take more care of Mr. dinosaur we all absolutely sure we haven’t forgotten anything else where did you leave teddy I think on the kitchen table pepper you really must take more care of teddy here we go again here we go this is the picnic area we’re here ah I love this picnic spot oh it’s so quiet and peaceful it is Zoe zebra with her daddy Mr. zebra the postman hello Mr. zebra Oh have you got our post Oh no deliveries today it’s my day off we’re having a picnic lunch so are we I know why do we make one big picnic yes what a splendid picnic please me George and I leave the table and play with Zoe yes Peppa so we I’ve got my teddy I’ve got my monkey Oh dinosaur I’ve got a sky picnic set let’s play picnics oh it’s the docks they always turn up when we have a picnic we’ve got pretend orange juice and we’ve got pretend cake it’s pretend cake it’ think the Ducks want pretend cake oh well that means there’s more for monkey Mr. dinosaur and Teddy delicious Oh monkey says that best cake Oh George home time bye bye Zoe bye-bye are we all ready yes hey home time for us to Zoe yes daddy cups plates monkey teddy oh no you shouldn’t be here teddy Peppa has forgotten her teddy again Peppa and her family are oh that’s enough driving for one day all I want to do now is relax put my feet up and watch some tea tea I forgot teddy Oh Peppa now daddy pig will have to drive all the way back to the picnic spot yes of course it’s Mr. zebra the postman I thought it was your day off today Mr. zebra it is my day off but Zoe’s got a very special delivery for a miss pepper pig me you are Peppa what is it it’s teddy you’d left Peggy behind so we brought him home thank you so much Teddy certainly has had an exciting day out but pepper you really must take better care of him yes mummy oh you are a very naughty teddy you must promise not to wander off ever again sorry pepper I promise.
