
Peppa Pig | Swimming Lesson | Peppa Pig Official | Family Kids Cartoon

I’m Peppa Pig this is my little brother
this is Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig
Peppa Pig
swimming lesson today pepper and her
friends are having a swimming lesson
they are in the little pool the children
can touch the bottom of the pool with
their feet
okay let’s start Miss Rabbit is in
charge has everyone got a flow
the float
I love swimming too
hello it is Rebecca rabbit with Mummy
Rabbit hi sister oh hi sister sorry
we’re late no problem we’ve only just
that looks like so much fun I wish I
could swim
swim no I never learned I’m a bit
worried about water well sister I think
it’s about time you had a swimming
lesson yes you can join our lesson oh
I’m not sure it’s a children’s class and
I’m a bit old for lessons you’ll never
you’re never too old to learn something
new please join us mummy okay then I’ll
just change into a swimming costume
right I’m ready Mummy Rabbit is going to
join the children’s swimming lesson oh
good it’s not deep yes this is the
little pool okay sister pick up a float
tuck it under your arms now lift your
feet up okay oh look at me I’m swimming
well done mummy yes sister that’s
brilliant this is such fun
a little splash of water is fine but I
don’t like it I didn’t like it before
that’s right Gerald always kept his head
high out of the water but now I can swim
with my face in the water amazing but I
could never do that a little splash of
water is fine no I can’t put my head in
the water Gerald can you show my sister
what I told you yes put your chin a
teeny little bit in the water
let’s all do that
okay that feels fine and now we all blow
okay here goes
that was easy yes very good sister and
now we hello Bubbles and swim along like
you’re as good as me now mummy
and now it’s starfish time
selfish the children lie on their backs
like starfish and Float very good
starfish do you think I could have a go
of course of course lie on your back
like me okay
and as we’ve all done so while today I’m
going to get out of the inflatables
wide and even an inflatable cheese this
is the biggest cheese in the world
oh my goodness that looks bad mommy come
and join us
of course we can’t let the children have
all the fun
okay here goes
make a big splash well done sister
let me
let me everyone loves swimming lessons