
Peppa Pig «Season 1, Episode 24» Treasure Hunt

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Granny Pig and Grandpa pig are making a treasure hunt for Peppa and George granny pig is drawing the treasure map grandpa pig is burying the treasure in a secret place in the garden grandpa pig have you finished Peppa and George will be here soon no need to panic granny pig Peppa and her family are here quick grandpa pig they’re here almost done grandpa pig just finished in time hello my little ones hi there me hot is Peppa George we’ve made you a treasure hunt somewhere in the garden is buried treasure Wow you have to look for it here’s a treasure map for Peppa and George could wear by pirate hat oh hi there captain George is a bit difficult daddy can you help of course Peppa I’m very good with maps yeah it is a bit difficult daddy pig you’re holding the map upside down yes I thought as much oh it’s easy the Red Cross shows where the treasure is but we’re in the garden of those two apple trees hmm I don’t know would you like a clue yes please the first clue is in a bottle oh but where is the bottle Peppa has found the first clue a message in a bottle well done Peppa let’s see what the message says oh it’s a message from a pirate honey do you read the Pirates message hmm this pirate has very bad handwriting the Pirates handwriting is excellent no I can’t make it out at all the pirate is clearly written follow the arrows George has found the second glue sticks in the shape of an arrow following the arrows Peppa has found the next clue a key well done Peppa oh no you just have to find the treasure chest that it unlocks but there aren’t any more clues maybe you should take another look at the map look pepper the map has two apple trees on it let’s take a look oh dear it doesn’t seem to be anything here hang on there is something here [Music] I’ve got the keys to open it Wow I can’t believe it gold coins they must be worth a fortune it’s better than that they’re not gold coins they are chocolate coins and there’s a chocolate coin for everybody [Applause] George loved chocolate coins everyone loves chocolate coins [Music] [Music] [Music] you.
