
Peppa Pig – School Bus Trip

and her friends are going on a school
bus trip attention please let’s check
that you’re all here peppa and George
Danny don’t head or pony Pedro pony is
not here sorry we’re late
hello you almost missed the school trip
sorry Madame gazelle nevermind you’re
just in time miss rabbit is the bus
driver attention please today we are
going on a trip to the mountains hey
have you all got your lunch boxes pepper
really lunch when we arrive in the
Peppa which we got in your lunchbox a
red apple
I’ve got a green apple swamp okay Peppa
Suzy what are you doing
Suzy told me to have my lunchbox Peppa
told me to swap our apples oh that’s
fine but please save some food for the
picnic yes ma’am
the bus has arrived at the foot of the
mountains a mountain road is very steep
you can make it
peppa and her friends are at the top of
the mountain look at the view Wow Wow
who said that
it’s your echo my echo an echo is the
sound you hear when you speak loudly in
the mountains like this your leg your
funny time for our people where are the
Ducks they always turn when we have
picnics silly pepper
that’s don’t live on top of mountains
the Ducks top very lucky today there is
lots of bread the Ducks are eating too
quickly it’s time to go home everybody
has a great time
that’s all sing a song can we have the
Bing bong song please all right we’re
playing a tune and with singing a song
with a bang and and


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