Peppa Pig – Rock Pools

Peppa and Georgia going to the seaside
with granny and Grandpa pig peppa and
George love the seaside there isn’t any
sand on this each pepper no sound but we
wanted to make sandcastles
peppa and George love making sandcastles
things to do on this rocky beach like
what when the sea goes out it leaves
little pools of water in amongst the
rocks in thick old rock pools and in
every rock there’s something special
that the sea is left behind
I can see something glittering maybe
it’s a pirate’s treasure let’s make a
collection of all the things we find yes
what surprise is waiting in this pool oh
there’s nothing special in this one oh
there’s always something Peppa look
closer yes it’s a crab the crab is
pinching grandpa pig’s finger oh wow
Socrative don’t think sideways George is
pretending to be happy
Peppa wants to be a crap – there are two
naughty crabs trying to pinch me you
naughty crabs go back to your little
rock pools yes what can you see a
seashell can you hear the sea in it what
do you mean if you put a shell to your
ear you can hear the sea
Wow I can hear the sea
I loved my seashell George can you find
a seashell – that’s not – shell peppers
right that’s not a shell George has
found a fossil a fossil is the remains
of an animal that lived long ago when
there were dinosaurs yes they’re fun for
us but not for this little fish a fish
little fish she’s trapped little fish
says she wants to go back to the sea
maybe you could use your bucket to
rescue her yes Peppa is  rescuing the
