Peppa Pig | Police Car | Peppa Pig Official | Family Kids Cartoon

I’m Peppa pig
this is my little brother George
this is mummy pig
and this is daddy pig
good morning children good morning
today as a special treat some of you are
going to spend a day with the police as
a prisoner
no Freddie as a guest they will join us
as we drive around in our police car
helping people who would like to go me
me okay Peppa and Freddy
this is the police car have fun I will
call me when it is the children’s lunch
time right you are madame gazelle see
you later don’t be late we are having
sandwiches and the jelly
sandwiches and jelly eh mmm delicious
the police like sandwiches and jelly bye
can we use the siren please I’m afraid
not freddie the siren is to be used only
for emergencies
what’s going on here oh dear there is a
traffic jam we need to get past all
these cars to see what the problem is
can we use the siren now yes this is
just the sort of emergency the siren is
it is mr stallion his car has broken
the police thank goodness you’re here
what seems to be the trouble my car is
broken don’t worry mr stallion we’ll
sort this out thank you no need to thank
us we’re just doing our job car parked
in middle of road and obstructing
now we simply move the car out of the
there and the traffic can move again
emergency over
so you see children our day is full of
emergencies like that we never know what
will come next calling old police
calling all police who’s that it’s a
police station receiving you loud and
clear over emergency cat stuck up a tree
another emergency can we use the summer
and again of course Freddy we’ve got a
cat to rescue
hello hello
what’s going on here then it’s mr cat
meow mr cat is stuck in the tree
what are you doing up there
I climbed up
why that seemed like a good idea at the
and now you’re stuck
yes it’s a good thing we’re around to
help isn’t it
I’ll get the ladder don’t worry mr cat
we’ll get you down
emergency over
sorry the tree looked like it would be
good fun to claim yes it’s not a good
idea to have a tree here dangerous tree
in wrong place
so children have you enjoyed your day
with the police it’s been brilliant i
want to be a policeman when I grow up
good lad
calling the police over another
emergency how exciting police officer
panda receiving you loud and clear over
this is madam gazelle Peppa and Freddie
are late for their lunch remember it is
sandwiches and jelly over late for
sandwiches and jelly now that’s what i
call a real emergency
use the siren of course it’s what the
siren was built for
pepper and Freddy love
everyone loves the police car