Peppa Pig New Episodes – Gerald Giraffe – Kids Videos | New Peppa Pig

I’m Peppa Pig
this is my little brother George
this is mummy pig
and this is daddy pig
Mummy pig is measuring pepper
there Peppa that’s how tall you are I’m
taller than I was before
that’s because you’re growing up Peppa
now George’s turn
there George that’s how tall you are
I am taller than George oh don’t worry
George as you get older you’ll get
taller yes but I will always be taller
than you George because I will always be
it is time for playgroup
children today a new friend is joining
our playgroup say hello to Gerald hello
Gerald hello
wow you’re really tall so you must be
really old no
Gerald is the same age as you
why is he so tall then I’m tall because
I’m a giraffe
I’m taller no you’re not yes I am you
measure to the top of the ears oh do
ears count
Gerald giraffe is the tallest oh
I wish I was as tall as Gerald and me
and me
everyone must find a hiding place
nine ten ready or not here I come
found you Gerald
oh you didn’t find me or me
I always get found because I’m so tall
it’s not much fun being told
I have to bend down to talk to everyone
I have to bend down to talk to George
hello George what’s it like being little
let’s play ball
maybe I’ll play later gerald giraffe
doesn’t want to play because he’s sad
great to you Danny to you Pedro
catch Peppa
oh the ball is stuck in the tree I can’t
reach it let me have a go
no, it’s too high
what can we do
chop the tree down no
I can get it with my trunk
no, I can’t if Emily can’t reach it with
her trunk then we’ll never get our ball
back what can we do
chop the tree down no
if only there was somebody tall enough
to reach our ball
you can reach the ball because you’re
I can try
Gerald giraffe has rescued the ball
oh I can see something else
there’s an animal stuck in the tree is
it’s a cat no up here
it is tiddles the tortoise titles
titles here is dr hamster the Vet ah you
naughty tartares
who do i have to thank for rescuing my
thank you Gerald my goodness you are a
tall lat I’m a jewel
but you’re taller than Gerald dr hamster
yes that’s because I’m a hamster are
hamsters always taller than giraffes
I will be taller than dr hamster when
I’m older yes grown-up giraffes tend to
be taller than grown-up hamsters hello
hello mummy and daddy giraffe have come
to collect Gerald from playgroup wow
you’re as tall as the sky
that’s because we’re giraffes
and my mommy and daddy are very very old