Peppa Pig – My Cousin Chloé (full episode)

I’m Peppa pig
this is my little brother George
is daddy pig
you threw the ball too hard George so
the rules say I win
now it’s my turn
I win again
Peppa George today your big cousin Chloe
is coming to visit
me cousin Chloe
George Chloe’s a big girl like me so
don’t be sad if she finds you too little
to play with oh
I’m sure Chloe will play with both of
chloe’s here
auntie Pig has brought Chloe to spend
the day at Peppa’s house Chloe is peppa
and George’s cousin
Chloe is a bit older than Pepper and
George hello Chloe
hello Peppa hello George
see you later do you want to play a game
yes let’s play catch peppa loves playing
catch do you still play catch that’s a
game for little children oh
we only play catch because george likes
it okay let’s play it for george do you
play it with the proper rules or the
baby rules proper rules
i’ll start
peppa you’re it catch me if you can
peppa is it she has to chase chloe and
george can’t catch me
george i’m going to easily catch you
you’re so little
that’s not fair you’re helping george
that’s because he’s little
do you want me to help you no i don’t
need help i’m a big girl like you come
on then peppa try and catch us
this is a silly game can we play
something else okay i know a really good
game for big children it’s called sly
fox fly fox i want to play sly fox
what is it
one person is the sly fox
and the others creep up on them me me i
want to be the sly fox peppa is the sly
fox while her back is turned the others
creep up on her but if peppa turns and
sees someone move they have to go back
to the start
george i saw you move back to the start
got you i win
you moved before i was ready the rules
say i can move when i like don’t they
now it’s chloe’s turn to be the sly fox
peppa and george must stay very still
peppa i saw you move back to the start
it’s not fair you look too long the
rules say i can look as long as i want
back to the start
george is the winner
can we play a different game yes but as
long as it’s a grown-up game i know
let’s play my favorite game it’s very
george do you know what peppa’s favorite
game is
peppa’s favorite game is jumping up and
down in muddy puddles
george if you jump in puddles you must
wear your boots
i’ve brought some boots for you too
chloe i’m too grown up to jump in muddy
puddles oh
george loves jumping in muddy puddles
secretly peppa would love to jump in the
puddle but she wants to look grown up
i hear there’s some puddle jumping going
on mummy pig daddy pig love jumping in
muddy puddles
it does look fun
it does
maybe there’s a rule that says big girls
can jump in muddy puddles yes that’s a
good rule
peppa and chloe love jumping up and down
in muddy puddles
everyone loves jumping up and down in
muddy puddles even grown-up girls
george you’re doing it all wrong
this is how to catch a ball